Systemic insecticide with contact action and digestive system, used to control many pests such as: white fly , thrips and worms on cabbage , cucumber , squash , cauliflower , tomato , pepper , apricot and peach .
Non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action Used to control many insects on Citrus, Apples, pears and apricot .
Systemic Insecticide, Acaricide and nematicide with contact action, The pesticide moves in the latex from top to the bottom and from bottom to the top. 4- nema added with irrigation water to control Nematodes and moves upward to
Non-systemic Pyrethroid insecticide with contact and stomach action,used to control Coleoptera and Lepidoptera and other insects on many crops
Non-systemic insecticide and acaricide , Works efficiently to eliminate all phases of insects and mites (larvae, nymphs and adult phases) used to control Aphids , leaf hoppers and white fly on Citrus , Grapes , Stone fruits
Non-systemic insecticide with contact, stomach, and respiratory action used to Control Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera on many crops such as: Potato, Citrus , Apple and Pear.
Effective Insecticide and acaricide with stomach and contact action that affects the energy conversion in the body of the lesion and very effective in combating insects and Mites, which has gained immunity against organic
Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, absorbed through the leaves and inhibit the growth of Mycelia and spores used on many crops .
Systemic fungicide with Protective and curative action , Absorbed by leaves and inhibits spore growth and mycelia, used in economic crops like : Potato , Tomato , eggplant and pepper .
Systemic fungicide with protective & curative action, used to control Pythium rot and damping off on cucumber, tomato, pepper and ornamentals in greenhouses.
Systemic fungicide with Protective and curative action , used to control many fungal Diseases on crops such as: Potato , Apple, peach, apricot, nectarine, pear, almond , Grape , Bean ,Pepper, Carrot, Cucumbers, squash , Garlic
Systemic fungicide with protective and curative action against powdery mildew on cucumber, tomato and grapes, Absrobed by leaves and roots and transmitted in plant tissue .
Systemic fungicide with protective & curative action with contact action , used to control downy mildew and late blight diseases on many crops .
Non-systemic Acaricide with contact action, Used to control mites on ornamentals & crops such as: tomato,cucumber, pepper and eggplant.
Non-systemic Acaricide with contact action , Used to Control eggs and larva of many phytophagous mites, it has the permeability property, Absorbed by leaves.
Non-systemic public health insecticide with contact, stomach and respiratory action , Used on outside buildings in cities and villages, as well as inside home and Highly effective pesticide against larva, adult insects and
Highly Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action , It can be used by irrigation or foliar spraying and can be sprayed on the main stem of fruit trees to give the required effectiveness on a wide range of insects
Non- Systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action, Effective pesticide inhibitor the growth of insects, as it prevents the production of chitin in the body of the insect, which leads to prevent it from dissolution
Non-systemic insecticide that penetrates leaf tissue and stop movement of insects, Effective insecticide against the phase Lepidoptera larva used with high efficiency against worms and moths on tomato , cabbage , cauliflower
Systemic insecticide works by contact and digestive system, used to control a large number of insects such as aphids, leaf hoppers, thrips, white fly, beetles , and Colorado beetles on a wide range of crops.
Effective Insecticide with contact and stomach action, Used on a wide range of crops .